I'm in the second trimester and was wondering if dying my hair while pregnant, especially at this stage of pregnancy is safe? I can choose amonia-free hair colouring, yet I'm not sure it will have a permanent effect like other products I normally use? So I'm wondering if using hair colouring whether amonia-free or not and other hair treament products are safe during the early weeks and months of pregnancy or during pregnancy in general?!
Thanks In Advance.

1 Comment

2019-11-28 10:46:46

Mama's Guides Health Expert

Hello questioner, Well, views differ with regards to whether ammonia can penetrate the mom's system and thus affect the feutus of the growing baby or not. Some warn against using products that has Keratin in it or ammonia and okay the use of ammonia- free hair colouring. Some warn against using any, even ammonia-free hair colouring during the first trimester. So my advise to you would be, in case you cannot refer to your doctor is one of two options, either: 1- Use ammonia- free hair colouring or: 2- Avoid the use of any of these until you pass the pregnancy journey as a whole. This to ensure concluding a safe pregnancy journey and the deliver of a safe baby... Good luck!


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